
Straight from our family's farm to your door, we grow the best all natural products for your small pets. 

Farmer Dave is your pet's personal farmer.

First Cut Timothy Hay For Rabbits and Bunnies

Premium Long Stem 1st Cut Timothy Rabbit and Bunny. Also, for Guinea Pigs, Chinchillas, Prairie Dogs, Gerbils, Hamsters, Rats, Mice, Tortoises and Other Small Animals if you require a coarser hay.  Authentic Long Stem HAY right from the field; Not Chopped.  A Cool Season Perennial Grass Hay Best Grown in A Cool Northeastern USA Climate. First Cut Is A More Mature, Coarser and Higher Fiber Hay -- Great for Your Pet's Gnawing Instinct & To Promote Teeth Maintenance. 1st Cut Hay Has A Lighter Color and May Have Some Yellow/Brown Leaf as The Grasses Grow Tall and Maturity Continues Prior To Harvest. This Is Natural and Not Harmful to Your Pets in Any Way. FarmerDave's 1st Cut Includes the Standard Timothy Hay Plus A Nice Mix of Some Legacy Grasses (Example: Orchard, Blue Grass, etc.) And Sometimes A Touch of Clover Stems and Buds. There Is an Abundance Of 2 To 4 Inch Timothy Seed Heads That Your Pet Will Find Tasty and Delightful.  Sun and Wind Dried TO PRESERVE the Smell, Taste and Color. Harvested with Special Care TO PREVENT Molds, Mildews and Dust. Organic product of the USA.  


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