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2 oz. Timothy Hay Seed


FarmerDavePetSupply 2 oz. Timothy Hay Seed. Grow Your Own Fresh Hay. 99.62% Pure Timothy Seed. 90% Certified Germination Rate. No Noxious Weeds Found.


FarmerDavePetSupply 2 oz. Timothy Hay Seed. Grow Your Own Fresh Hay. 99.62% Pure Timothy Seed. 90% Certified Germination Rate. No Noxious Weeds Found. SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS: Growing hay is similar to growing lawn grass. 10 oz. covers 2500+ square feet ( at typical farm seeding rate). [Add more seed if a denser growth is desired.] Plant in loose soil approximately 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep. Tamp the soil down to make a firm seed bed. Then occasionally water to keep damp. Grow at room temperature. Put in the sunlight to grow.99.62% Pure Timothy Seed. 90% Certified Germination Rate. No Noxious Weeds